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PWMS is a service for people who would benefit from a Powered outdoor Wheelchair or Mobility Scooter. This service complements existing NHS wheelchair services, whose criteria for the provision of a powered wheelchair normally excludes equipment for outdoor use only.

A Powered Wheelchair or Mobility Scooter can make a huge difference to your independence and freedom.  You do not need to have been a car driver in the past to benefit.

We will provide advice about the distinct classes of equipment available and about where each type can be used.  We will explore your mobility goals and the environments in which the equipment is to be used and look at your physical skills to ensure what methods of equipment control are best.

We check you are making safe and considered decisions when using the equipment to keep both yourselves and other pedestrians and road users safe. The assessment will include both in-clinic and practical elements in a safe and supported environment.

You will receive a written report outlining what you should look for when choosing a PWMS, to help you make a suitable purchase. We will also investigate and demonstrate vehicle stowage if you wish to transport your PWMS in a car.

If you decide that the equipment is suitable or don’t feel comfortable, we will offer further support through our Hubs project. This service explores community transport options and links you with the voluntary sector which may be able to help you remain actively engaged in your local community.